Rocky Horror Picture Show

Theatre Royal

March 31, 2023
4 out of 5 fans

The 50th anniversary production Theatre Royal, Sydney

The Plot

It’s hard to describe the plot. It’s based off of a film, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, which back in the US people would and probably here as well, people would watch it in the cinema at midnight and they would actually kind of act it out on stage; it was very much a cult classic phenomenon. RHPS references lots of Sci-Fi and B movies from 70’s and such. And it’s just a hoot (one of the standout songs is called Sweet Transvestite, from Transexual, Transylvania, which I think sums up the irreverence of the loosely coherent plot.

The Cast

This was not the Rocky Horror Show; this was the Riff-Raff and the Magenta show. Riff-Raff (Henry Rollo) was absolutely brilliant. The energy he infused into the role, and his powerful voice made him a delight to watch. I’ve seen Rollo in ensemble pieces before; I imagine many more lead roles in his future.


Stellar Perry first came out as the Usherette, before resuming her role as Magenta . She made my toes curl, her gritty voice perfectly suited both the time period and the character. Riff Raff and Magenta were just so fun, and flirty. In the original movie, Riff-Raff and Magenta were eccentric, but this production really leaned into the “sexy” aspect of RHPS. It was so fun!

Also of note: Brad (Ethan Jones) and Janet (Deirdre Khoo) were insanely talented. Brad’s physicality, the way that he moved was amazing. He moved fluidly but robotically through Damnit, Janet and the Time Warp, and was a riot through. Janet had the voice of an angel. Both were so game, they really understood the assignment.


As this was the anniversary edition, there were a few high profile casting choices, including Jason Donovan as Frank’n’Furter, and I think he did a good job. Tim Curry originated the role in the film, and I think so many of us have him in mind, but Donovan was still enjoyable.


This production also had Myf Warhurst as the narrator. I really appreciated how she was able to roll with the audience interactions – she’s such a seasoned vet, it was so obviously in her wheel house. Absolutely contributed to the fun of the night, and really made it feel like anything could happen!

And anything COULD – we were all dancing out of our seats by the end! If you’re a fan of the film, go see it, you’ll have a blast. If you don’t know the film, but you’re kind of up for a journey – go, I think you’ll enjoy it. Don’t question the plot too much – just go along for the ride.

Unfortunately, the production has left Sydney, but is (at the time of this post) playing in Melbourne and travelling around the country.