
Welcome! I’m just a gay who loves Theatre – I love to watch it, discuss it, and create it.

I started Sydney Theatre Fan for a few reasons.

Never miss a show

I hate finding out about an amazing show that’s just closed or sold out. I’m hoping to see as many productions as I can, and to help friends, family and followers alike catch shows I think they’ll love.

To offer a different perspective

I am not particularly articulate or educated. I speak simply, and I’m not afraid to state the obvious. There are tonnes of wonderful reviewers who can critically analyse and draw comparisons to other works. I’m not that – I’m just a fan. I hope that there are people for whom these thoughts & opnions are accessible and helpful.

Celebrate People

As a former actor myself, I know how hard actors work, particularly in smaller roles. My goal is to be kind, and celebrate awesome performances. I want this initiative to have a positive focus, so it is not my goal to offer negative critiques of individuals.

Make Better Theatre

But…I will call out directorial choices and offer perspectives for what I think worked well and what didn’t. I want to see theatre that I love, and perhaps my views will help directors consider something they haven’t previously.